Terms and conditions of the service


MARIA DEL MAR GARCIA CARBONELL offers you a purchasing service that will allow you to contract physical and emotional health management services.

Next, we invite you to review the general conditions of sale that regulate the purchase through the website – www.beyondpsychology.es (the “Website”).

In this sense, contracting the services implies acceptance of these conditions. However, if you have any questions about them, you can contact maría@beyondpsychology.es .



The following conditions regulate the sale of the services presented on this Website by:



Carrer can campaner 5, 2 B – 07003 Palma de Mallorca


Service Availability

When contracting, you ensure that you are over 18 years of age. The services offered can be purchased from any country, without any geographical limitation.

In accordance with Art. 40 of Law 47/2002 reforming Law 7/1996 on Retail Trade Regulation of January 15, and Law 34/2002 of July 11 on information society services and commerce electronically, before placing the order, the Buyer has the right to inform himself on the Site of the essential characteristics of the services.

Information about services

The services offered on the Website are services on management and improvement of physical and emotional health. You acknowledge our full ownership of any and all proprietary rights.intellectual property about products, services, materials or content.

Each service is accompanied by the following data:

  • Aim
  • Duration
  • Intervening team

Special offers, promotions or discounts will be valid until the indicated date or while stocks last.

Likewise, MARIA DEL MAR GARCIA CARBONELL makes the necessary efforts so that the information contained on the Website is complete, truthful and correct. If there is an error in any data, MARIA DEL MAR GARCIA CARBONELL will proceed to rectify it.

Purchase procedure

  1. The services you wish to reserve must be selected and added to the shopping cart by clicking on the corresponding icon.
  2. Once you have chosen the service, you will see the price and the option of the payment method you want to use.
  3. To make the purchase, the customer’s personal data will be required, which will be incorporated into our database in order to be able to process the order and, where appropriate, facilitate the making of new purchases through the Website. The personal data provided by clients will be treated in accordance with the provisions of our Privacy Policy. The client will be able to access, at any time, the personal data provided and the information on the orders placed. MARIA DEL MAR GARCIA CARBONELL reminds clients that personal data must be indicated exactly to avoid confusion or incidents. In addition, the client, if expressly requested by him, will receive by email and/or SMS personalized commercial communications adapted to his profile.
  4. Before placing the order, a summary of the order will be presented to the client, identifying the service added in the shopping bag, its total price (taxes included) with each of the concepts broken down and the contracting data for the order, so that the client confirm the same by clicking on the button with the expression ‘Place the order’.

If before confirming the payment you detect an error in your order, you can modify any details of it in the “Billing details” section or by going back on the website. If you detect an error in your order once the payment process has been completed, please contact us at maría@beyondpsychology.es.

  1. The receipt of the aforementioned acknowledgment of the order does not mean the acceptance of the order by MARIA DEL MAR GARCIA CARBONELL. The customer’s order constitutes an offer to MARIA DEL MAR GARCIA CARBONELL to acquire the service(s). All orders are subject to acceptance by MARIA DEL MAR GARCIA CARBONELL. It is not required to accept the order and may, at its discretion, refuse to accept it. The customer, however, acknowledges that by clicking the “Confirm Payment” button, she becomes obligated to pay for the service(s) upon accepting the order. In this sense, whenMARIA DEL MAR GARCIA CARBONELL accepts the order and will notify the customer through a new email confirming that the order has been accepted. The contract between the client and MARIA DEL MAR GARCIA CARBONELL in relation to the requested service(s) will be understood to be perfected when MARIA DEL MAR GARCIA CARBONELL sends the client its Confirmation. The Contract will deal only in relation to the service(s) that have been accredited in the Confirmation. MARIA DEL MAR GARCIA CARBONELL will not be obliged to provide any service(s) that has not been confirmed.

Right to not accept an order

MARIA DEL MAR GARCIA CARBONELL may cancel any Confirmed order or not accept an order placed for the following reasons:

  1. In the event of a technical error and/or a typographical error in the prices or in the rest of the data of the services offered on the Website when the order was placed.
  2. When security systems indicate that the order may be fraudulent.
  3. When there are reasons that indicate that the client is a minor.
  4. When there is a computer attack, virus or any event that is beyond the reasonable control (force majeure) of MARIA DEL MAR GARCIA CARBONELL.

In such cases, MARIA DEL MAR GARCIA CARBONELL will fully reimburse the amounts that have been paid in accordance with the provisions of these conditions.


Payment and currency

The prices on this Website are shown in euros. The customer can buy from the country they prefer. The prices of the services may change at any time, but possible changes will not affect orders in which MARIA DEL MAR GARCIA CARBONELL has sent the client confirmation.


The client gives his express consent to issue the invoice in electronic format. If the client wishes to receive an invoice in paper format, they can request it at any time by contacting maría@beyondpsychology.es.

Payment Methods

MARIA DEL MAR GARCIA CARBONELL will only accept payments made through credit or debit card via the website and Bizum,

Payment by credit or debit card

MARIA DEL MAR GARCIA CARBONELL accepts payment for purchases made with the following credit or debit cards: VISA / Mastercard / American Express.

If the payment method chosen by the client is a credit or debit card, the charge will be made online, that is, in real time, through the payment gateway of the corresponding financial institution, once it has been verified. that the data communicated are correct.

Payment with Bizum

Enter the phone number associated with the service and the code for BIZUM online purchases (If you don’t have your code yet, you can request it in your bank’s app). You will receive an SMS with a confirmation code that you must enter in the payment window and complete the payment. The possibility of using this service will be subject to the availability of each banking entity to be able to make online purchases with BIZUM.

Payment security

With the aim of providing maximum security to the payment system, MARIA DEL MAR GARCIA CARBONELL uses secure payment systems from leading financial institutions in electronic commerce. In this sense, confidential payment data is transmitted directly and in encrypted form (SSL) to the corresponding financial institution. For payment with VISA, Mastercard, and Amercian Express cards, MARIA DEL MAR GARCIA CARBONELL only accepts CES (Secure Electronic Commerce) transactions including, if applicable, the international 3D Secure protocol that is distinguished by the Verified by Visa, MasterCard SecureCode and American Express Safekey. Secure Electronic Commerce is an initiative whose basic principle is to guarantee security in Internet transactions.

When making the payment through the secure payment gateway, the system will automatically verify that the credit card is activated for Secure Electronic Commerce. Next, you will connect with the issuing bank, which will request that you authorize the operation using a personal authentication code. The operation will only be carried out if the bank issuing the credit card confirms the authentication code. Otherwise, the transaction will be rejected.

As a complementary measure to the ‘Secure Payment’ system and with the aim of collaborating in the prevention of fraud through the Internet, MARIA DEL MAR GARCIA CARBONELL reserves the right to verify the personal data provided by the client, as well as adopt the measures that it deems appropriate (including the cancellation of the order).


Right to withdraw from the purchase or changes

The Client has the right to withdraw from the services acquired, without the need for justification, within a period of 14 calendar days from the date of contracting, provided that the provision of the services has not begun, given that in that case will extinguish the right to withdraw, as established in art. 103. a) of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, and, in any case, with a minimum notice of 48 hours before the scheduled appointment.

To exercise the right of withdrawal, the client must notify their decision through the following channels:

“For the attention of:


Carrer Can Campaner 5, 2 B – 07003 Palma de Mallorca


Dear Sirs:

I/we hereby inform you that I/we withdraw from my/our contract for [purchase of the good/provision of service] acquired from you, according to the following detail:

– [Order no. XXXXXXX dated DD.MM.YY / and received on DD.MM.YY (1)]

– [Name of the User(s) or Consumer(s)]

– [Address of the User(s) or Consumer(s)]

– [Contact Information – e-mail, telephone]

[Signature of the User(s) or Consumer(s)]

(Only if this form is submitted in paper) Place and date. »


To clients who make their purchases as consumers, MARIA DEL MAR GARCIA CARBONELL offers guarantees on the products and services marketed through the Website, in accordance with Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, by which The consolidated text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws (hereinafter, “TRLGDCU”) is approved.

Unless proven otherwise, it will be presumed that any lack of conformity that manifests itself in the three (3) years following the delivery of the product or provision of the service, already existed at the time of delivery or during the provision.


MARIA DEL MAR GARCIA CARBONELL undertakes to comply with the necessary measures to guarantee the confidentiality and professional secrecy of all “confidential information”, for which reason it is explicitly obliged not to disclose it, publish it, transfer it, sell it, or in any other way, directly or indirectly, make it available to third parties, neither in whole nor in part, and to comply with this obligation even with their own family members or other members who are not authorized to access said information, regardless of the medium in which it is contained.


In no case do the services, advice and information offered by MARIA DEL MAR GARCIA CARBONELL constitute or substitute medical advice. They are also not a substitute for a medical examination or treatment by a doctor.

In the case of MARIA DEL MAR GARCIA CARBONELL’s suggestions related to nutrition, the Client is responsible for verifying that the recommended foods and nutrients do not contain any ingredient or content to which they are allergic or that may cause a food intolerance.

In the case of MARIA DEL MAR GARCIA CARBONELL’s suggestions related to their lifestyle, physical health or emotional health, the Client is responsible for verifying that the recommendations are not counterproductive to their state of health.

That for this reason and under the protection of the autonomy of his will, he assumes the most absolute and complete responsibility for attending to the information and advice recommended by MARIA DEL MAR GARCIA CARBONELL, and consequently exempts MARIA DEL MAR GARCIA CARBONELL from all responsibility. for the information provided or for any advice offered by other professionals.


The client may not transmit, assign or transfer a contract or any of the rights or obligations derived from it without having previously obtained the written consent of MARIA DEL MAR GARCIA CARBONELL.

No waiver by MARIA DEL MAR GARCIA CARBONELL of a right to specific action derived from this contract will imply a waiver of other rights or actions unless expressly communicated in writing..

In accordance with the legislation that regulates the ownership of intellectual and similar rights, this Site and all its elements, brands, designs, photographs, texts, illustrations, logos, sequences animated or not, sound or not, graphics, etc., as well as its compilation are the exclusive property of the Seller, who grants no license or right other than to consult the Site.

The use, reproduction, duplication, copying, sale, resale, accessibility, modification or any other exploitation, in whole or in part, of the Site, its content or marks for any purpose is prohibited. , except with prior written authorization from the Seller

Any other use will constitute falsification and punishable according to Intellectual Property, unless prior written authorization from the BRAND.


MARIA DEL MAR GARCIA CARBONELL is responsible for the processing of the personal data of the Interested Party and informs you that these data will be processed in accordance with the provisions of current regulations on the protection of personal data, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (GDPR) and Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5 (LOPDGDD). Said processing will be carried out exclusively for the execution of the contract and the data will be kept as long as the contractual relationship between the parties exists, as well as to comply with the legally established conservation periods. In certain cases, the person responsible may provide your data to external multidisciplinary professionals for specific treatments, which are necessary for the assistance and proper development of the requested treatments.

The Interested Party is informed that they have the right to withdraw consent to process the data at any time and that, if they exercise this right, the contract must be terminated in the terms set forth therein since the processing of data is essential for the execution of the contract. In the same way, you may also exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion and portability of your data and those of limitation or opposition to processing by writing to maridelcarbonell@hotmail.com. Finally, if he considers that the processing of personal data does not comply with current regulations, he also has the right to file a claim with the Control Authority ( www.aepd.es ).


MARIA DEL MAR GARCIA CARBONELL may modify these conditions at any time without, in any case, their retroactive application.


These conditions will be governed by Spanish Law. Any controversy arising from the interpretation and/or execution of these, the parties submit, at their free choice, to the jurisdiction that the current rules of private international law designate as competent.


For any type of doubt, query, suggestion or claim, you can contact MARIA DEL MAR GARCIA CARBONELL through the following communication channels:

By postal mail to: Carrer can campaner 5, 2 B – 07003 Palma de Mallorca

By email to: maria@beyondpsychology.es

We inform you that the European Commission provides an online dispute resolution platform that is available at the following link: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/ . Consumers will be ablesubmit your claims through the aforementioned online dispute resolution platform.
