Legal notice

In compliance with the duty of information contained in Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, of Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, we inform you that the Website and the Internet portal (hereinafter, the “Web”) is owned by MARIA DEL MAR GARCIA CARBONELL, with registered office at Carrer can campaner 5, 2 B with CIF no. 48421005W. This legal notice regulates the conditions of use of the aforementioned Internet portal.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

In general the relationship between MARIA DEL MAR GARCIA CARBONELL and the users of its telematic services, present on the website, are subject to Spanish legislation and jurisdiction.

User acceptance

This Legal Notice regulates the access and use of the website that MARIA DEL MAR GARCIA CARBONELL makes available to Internet users. A user is considered to be a person who accesses, browses, uses or participates in the services and activities of the website.

The user is informed and accepts that access to this website does not imply, in any way, the beginning of a business relationship with MARIA DEL MAR GARCIA CARBONELL.

The access and navigation on the website by the user implies the acceptance of all of these Terms of Use. In case of disagreement with the conditions you should refrain from using the website.

Access to the website

Responsibility and guarantees

MARIA DEL MAR GARCIA CARBONELL declares that it has adopted the necessary measures that, within its possibilities and the state of technology, allow the correct functioning of its website, as well as the absence of viruses and harmful components. However, MARIA DEL MAR GARCIA CARBONELL can not be held responsible for the following situations which are listed by way of example, but not limited to:

The continuity and availability of the Contents.
The absence of errors in said Contents or the correction of any defect that may occur.
The absence of viruses and/or other harmful components.
The damages caused by any person who violates the security systems of MARIA DEL MAR GARCIA CARBONELL.
The use that users may make of the contents included in the website. Consequently, MARIA DEL MAR GARCIA CARBONELL does not guarantee that the use that users may make of the contents included on the website, if any, are in accordance with this legal notice, nor that the use of the website is carried out in a diligent manner.
The use by minors of the website or the sending of their personal data without the permission of their guardians, the guardians being responsible for the use they make of the Internet.
The contents that the user can access through unauthorised links or those introduced by users through comments or similar tools.
The introduction of erroneous data by the user or a third party. Translated with (free version)
